Frequently Asked Questions Regarding Wash And Wear Relaxer ™ | ||
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This is one of our clients who has been coming to our salon for over 15 years. She reminded us at the photo shoot that this was the first time in over 4 years that she had worn her hair in a straight style.
What is a Wash & Wear Relaxer ™? Black hair, and super curly hair types , may need some of the natural texture of the hair's curl pattern relaxed and released to enable more versatility of style. A Wash & Wear Relaxer ™ is the technique and process of working with your hair's own natural texture to achieve more softness and manageability in the hair. Our curl releasing agent creates a more desired texture. When you have Wash & Wear relaxed hair, it offers you the versatility of wearing straight styles, by being able to wet-set or blow dry your hair as often as you choose, or the opportunity of having as we say, wash and go no fuss hair. We accomplish this by using precise section timing and some very unique, revolutionary "off the scalp" application methods that we have developed. We have proven over the years this is the safest way to relax hair. Our goal is to take your hair to its optimum curl release point. This curl release point varies from individual to individual. By doing this we allow you to wear your hair in smooth styles or in a semi-natural look. We have found that Black hair and super curly hair types tends to break more easily when taken to a "bone straight" texture, as has been the traditional way to do relaxers for many years. We have found that when virgin, natural hair is taken to a "bone straight" state breakage occurs because most of the elasticity and strength are removed by removing too much texture from the hair. By taking the hair to a Wash & Wear relaxer state, we have found that women who formerly didn't think their hair would grow, now find their hair at much longer lengths and in superb condition with much more body and shine. |
Why do you use the products that you do?
Will other more "natural" products give the same result? Today many people are leaning towards so called "natural" products that will loosen up the texture of their hair and help improve their hair's look and manageability. We feel this quest for a more natural solution to loosening the curl in our hair has been brought about because of frequent burning and irritation of the scalp, caused by traditional relaxing methods that people have experienced in the past. For many people hair breakage can be traced directly to their relaxing service. Nowadays more than ever, we want to embrace and work with our hair's own natural texture. We do not want to suffer the repercussions associated with traditional relaxing methods and products. The problem we found with these "natural" products is consistency in results, especially on coarser textures of hair. The real concern for some of these more natural products causing breakage is the overlapping and mixing with the traditional hydroxide relaxer. Unfortunately, it is very easy to make the mistake in thinking that products labelled "natural" are a better choice, when in fact, they may not. Even on the most sensitive of clients, our off the scalp techniques and the products we use allows us to give them what they are seeking, which is no irritation or burns, a consistent great looking result, and most importantly; healthier hair. What our goal is, the best possible result for our clients with the least amount of potential downside risk, harm or injury to the body. This goal maybe achieved through methods that are not always "natural". When it comes to great looking results our cleints may require a semi natural hair treatment, or what we call the Wash & Wear Relaxer™. |
What types of hair can be processed with the Wash & Wear Relaxer ™and how often does it have to be done? Most types and textures of hair of African descent can be processed this way as well as other types of super curly hair and Afro textured hair. How often you get it done depends entirely on your natural texture and whether or not you like to wear your hair in predominently straight styles or are going to leave it semi-natural or "Wash & Wear". If you prefer straight styles we recommend that you get a touch-up on much the same schedule that suited you for previous relaxers, generally every 8 weeks. Your touch up time may also depends on how loosened the hair texture is and the length of the hair. For shorter hair, relaxers need to be done every 4 - 6 weeks. For longer hair that has only been loosened to 50%- 60%, touch ups must be done every 6 - 12 months, if they want to maintain a natural look. Hair that is relaxed 80% or more must be touched up every 8 -12 weeks depending on the tightness of the natural texture. The looser the hair the more frequently you have to touch up the root area. If you plan on leaving it in a Wash & Wear Relaxer™ look most of the time, I find that our clients who do this come every 3 - 4 months to get their hair retouched. This is on true Afro textured hair. With hair that is more naturally curly or mixed textured hair we generally do spot relaxers once or twice a year, just to even the texture. |
Can all of my hair be treated with the Wash & Wear Relaxer ™right away? The answer to this question is perhaps. By that we mean, if your hair is natural with no other chemicals processes applied to the hair, the answer is yes. The process can be done on all lengths of hair, although it truly looks its best om longer lengths of hair where gravity pulls the hair in a downward direction. Pulling in this downward direction adds a corkscrew,ringlet, coily or crimped, looking style. With the Wash and Wear process there is no reason you can't start out short and grow your hair into a longer length. |
How is your Wash & Wear Relaxer technique different than getting your hair texturized? Is your relaxer the same as a mild relaxer?
Is having a Wash & Wear Relaxer ™ in my hair anything like a curly perm? Yes and no. Yes, due to the low maintenance involved in the daily upkeep, it really is wash & go hair. Many of our clients tell us that they save hours a week not having to blow dry or set their hair. They have the freedom to make the decision to style and wear their hair without a lot of fuss when they are wearing a Wash & Wear Relaxer™. There are two reasons why our product is not like a curly perm. First, with curly perms (curls) it is not recommended that you set or blow dry your hair frequently. Curly perms, also referred to as Jheri curls or body waves, are done using products that contain as their main active ingredient ammonium thioglycolate, this chemical can be extremely drying to Black hair. The dryness has to be compensated with an abundance of maintenance products. It is from this over compensation of maintenance products from which curly perms have the reputation of being "greasy". The second reason is that we don't use perm rods of any kind when we process the hair. We only use Kerasoft® Release® Conditioning Creme Relaxer and our processing methods to achieve the Wash & Wear Relaxer™ look. |
I have been reading about your Wash & Wear Relaxer ™. Where you list your products you do not list the perm. How much is the perm itself and can someone purchase it? The Kerasoft® Release® Conditioning Creme Relaxer and other products that make up the professional items that go into doing the Wash & Wear Relaxer™ can be purchased by a stylist who has taken our Wash & Wear Relaxer course. Clients that purchase our Wash & Wear Relaxer ™ Show and Tell DVD Vol 2 Instruction Guide, or buy the complete Wash & Wear Relaxer Kit for at home use can also purchase this product. The Release Relaxer is not available for general consumer purchase without the kit or DVD. You can e-mail us for details. |
Once I have Wash & Wear Relaxer ™ in my hair, can I go back to "bone straight" if I wish to? Yes, all that you would need to do is have your stylist process your hair to "bone straight" again. Unlike some of the products we've mentioned prior, were there are some real precautions to be emphasized that have to do with incompatibility. With our system, there really are no precautions (except the usual ones in applying any relaxer), warnings, or waiting periods, since we are using a hydroxide based curl releasing agent which is compatible with the majority of other relaxers on the market. There would only be an issue if you were part way through the conversion process from a traditional relaxer to Wash & Wear hair and still had part of your hair "bone straight" at the end parts. Your stylist would have to do what we call a corrective relaxer, which simply means that they match textures without any overlap, which may cause over processing that could lead to breakage, when they take all of your hair back to "bone straight". |
I've never had my hair relaxed before, but my hair is really, really curly, but not Black hair would I be a candidate for a Wash & Wear Relaxer ™ process? Again the answer is yes. Although super curly hair types are most frequently found in people of African descent, many times these hair types can be found in people with European and Middle East backgrounds. We would be processing your hair to control the curl, allowing you to obtain more manageability and ease of style in your hair's own natural texture. Following our Wash & Wear Relaxer™ program will help your hair to be less frizzy and puffy. |
What do I use in my hair to maintain the Wash & Wear Relaxer ™ look? Are the products greasy? We have four after care products, all made by Kerasoft®, that we recommend to maintain your hair when you are wearing it in a Wash & Wear Relaxer™ look and since the process is not thio based as are curly perms and body waves are, it does not dry out the hair requiring you to compensate with lots of after care products. Some people use all four of the products some people use none or only one. It all depends on the individual and the natural texture of the hair that we are working with. The products we recommend are all water based so they are never greasy. They are very light, and they rinse easily and do not promote product build up on your hair. |
What does it cost for a Wash & Wear Relaxer ™ and can I do it myself at home? In our salon* the cost for a relaxer, or for any service, is based on the length of your hair, it's natural texture and density. When you have your hair serviced with our Wash & Wear Relaxer ™ and leave the salon with it semi natural hair, (see the first picture at the top of this page), the cost is actually less than what you would pay for a relaxer and style, that is blow-dried and curled or wet-set. Wet-sets and blow-drys' are added options you can always have with a Wash & Wear Relaxer if you desire. After you`ve had a virgin relaxer we recommend that you wear it in the Wash and Wear look since we do not want to traumatize the hair with heating implements the same day. We also provide you with a class on how to maintain your Wash and Wear daily on your first visit at the salon. We offer a two week guarantee on our service. The products that we use to do our Wash & Wear Relaxer ™, such as our Kerasoft® Release® Conditioning Creme Relaxer, are designed for use only by stylist who have taken our Wash & Wear Relaxer course, or clients who have purchased our Wash & Wear Relaxer Show and Tell DVD Vol 2 Instruction Guide. Clients who have purchased our Wash & Wear Relaxer Kit, which includes the DVD and all the products needed for the service and after-care can also purchase the professional products. Please feel free to e-mail us for more information on our home relaxer kit. We feel to achieve the kind of results on our site and on our streaming video testimonials, your Wash & Wear Relaxer should be applied by a stylists certified by Jazma. Certified stylists understand why we do what we do, and how to apply our products professionally. When a stylist is properly instructed through the classes or a client is trained through our Wash and Wear Relaxer DVD Application Guide, only then will they be ready to properly apply our Wash and Wear products. Written instructions, even very detailed ones, would not be adequate enough to convey all the important information we feel is necessary in understanding and mastering our system. We feel our classes and DVD application guide is the best way to ensure the satisfaction of those who wish to use our Kerasoft Release® Wash & Wear Relaxer, as we want people to have great results when using our products.
At what age would you give a child a Wash and Wear Relaxer?
We have realized that recommending loose cornrows, twists or plaits with hydrating products was the only safe option, but not realistic for all families. Since pressing is risky and can lead to permanently melting the bonds within the hair or scorching. We now start relaxing hair at any age where the child will sit still and not cry, usually 3 -5 years of age.